
Welcome to the Caching section of my blog, where I share insights and expertise on using Varnish and Fastly. Here, you will find articles that detail my experiences in learning, setting up, configuring Fastly products.

How to install Terraform On a Mac : brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform Verify Terraform is set up : terraform -help Create a the main terraform file Let’s create our terraform project in his own folder : mkdir terraform-tutorial && cd terraform-tutorial Then let’s create our ma...

Create the docker container docker run --name varnish -p 3456:80 varnish This command runs a Docker container named « varnish » using the « varnish » image. It maps port 3456 on the host to port 80 in the container, allowing access to the containerized varnish service. Start the container do...

VCL states : This article zooms into the steps of dealing with requests using Varnish, shown in a diagram. We’ll mainly look at three important parts: RECV, FETCH, and DELIVER. RECV, FETCH, and DELIVER. RECV : We refer it as a request type, used when we receive the request. In this condition w...

Without shielding To understand shielding, let’s look at this diagram. My main server is in Roubaix, France. My aim is to lighten the load on this server as much as possible. Requests come from all over the world, handled by the nearest Fastly POPs. However, these POPs still need to reach my s...

The clustering nodes In a Point of Presence (PoP), there are several nodes that work independently. Each node has its own hash table to keep track of cached objects. When a user sends a request, if the node handling the request doesn’t have the requested object in its hash table, the request m...

What’s request collapsing ? Concept of request collapsing in the context of a cache system refers to the scenario where multiple identical requests for the same data are received by the cache system simultaneously or within a short period of time. Instead of processing each request separately,...