Fastly WAF @edge deployment /
my notes and scripts


In this article, I will explain how I deployed the Fastly Web Application Firewall (WAF) on the Edge. The process is simple: the WAF module and agent are set up on Fastly's Points of Presence (POPs). The module listens to requests by integrating itself into your CDN configuration using a VCL snippet. The agent runs in the cloud within a compute-at-edge application.

A deployment with CLI

To deploy the WAF on the edge, you need to call the WAF API. The official Fastly documentation provides CURL commands that you can execute in your terminal. Instead of using CURL commands, I decided to create a small CLI program in Node.js.
By the way it’s worth noting you can also deploy the WAF with Terraform.


The code for the CLI is available in this GitHub repository. If you look at the code, you’ll see it is straightforward and simply converts the CURL commands into JavaScript HTTP calls.

Prerequisites for the CLI:

Install the CLI

git clone 

Go in the folder :

cd Fastly-WAF-Edge-deployement

Install the dependecies :

npm install 

Fill the .env

Copy the .env.sample and rename it .env then fill the informations with your own credentials.

cp .env.sample  .env

Replace those (dummy data) with your credentials :


corpName = "antoine_lab"
siteName = ""
fastlySID = "eGdsdddd20002FwuTfjn66"

Run the CLI

npm run cli

Create the security service

Set up a new edge security service by using the edge deployment API. This API call will create a new edge security service linked to your corp and site.

In the CLI choose option 1 :


    🌎 : edgeSecurityServiceCreation - [1]

    🔒 : getGetSecurityService - [2]

    🔗 : mapEdgeSecurityServiceToFastly - [3]


Choose an option by inputing the number, then hit enter : 1

If everything went OK it should return the following message :

✅ edgeSecurityServiceCreation : Service created 🌎

Check the security service

To check if the creation worked, you can select the getGetSecurityService - [2] option.

----------------------------------------------------- Menu ----------------------------------------------------- 🌎 : edgeSecurityServiceCreation - [1] 🔒 : getGetSecurityService - [2] 🔗 : mapEdgeSecurityServiceToFastly - [3] -----------------------------------------------------
Choose an option by inputing the number, then hit enter :2
Getting security service for antoine_lab and siteName

If everything went OK it should return the following message :

  AgentHostName: '',
  ServicesAttached: [
      id: 'eGI13sdd922Tfjn66',
      accountID: '5FCbddssSuUxxSa4faLnP',
      created: '2024-05-27T05:22:20Z',
      createdBy: ''

Map the Security Service to your Fastly delivery service


    🌎 : edgeSecurityServiceCreation - [1]

    🔒 : getGetSecurityService - [2]

    🔗 : mapEdgeSecurityServiceToFastly - [3]


Choose an option by inputing the number, then hit enter :3
You are about to mapEdgeSecurityServiceToFastly, for corpName : antoine_lab, siteName and fastlySID eGI13FcVmYzg3FwuTfjn66 continue ? [Y/N]y

If everything went OK it should return the following message :

  fastlyServices: [
      id: 'eGI13sdd922Tfjn66',
      accountID: '5FCbddssSuUxxSa4faLnP',
      created: '2024-05-27T05:22:20Z',
      createdBy: ''

Send the traffic to the WAF

By default, the service will be activated and set to 0% traffic ramping, you can add traffic by updating the Enabled value in a newly created dictionary called Edge_Security

Here the 100% value means I send 100% of the traffic to the WAF, worth noting this modification to the dictionary doesn’t require an activation.

Test the deployment

An easy way to test the deployment is to send malicious requests to your domain to see if the WAF is able to identify them.

An example of such request :


If you run this request multiple time you should get something like this :